Family Information Management
Get peace of mind from knowing that you are prepared. Centralize and simplify your personal, health, financial, legal and family documents and realize the convenience of always having the information you need at your fingertips. My Care Companions™ will help you centralize and simplify your personal and family documents using the My Data Diary™ personal data management tool. The system is simple, secure, portable, easy to update, and easy to share with your care companions.
Advocacy & Education
Darra Wray is a business professional with more than 25 years of Practical business and finance experience as well as over 25 years of personal experience as a family caregiver and patient advocate. She developed a true passion for family caregiving and elder care services through her personal life experiences and founded My Care Companions™ to develop resources, services, tools and training for family caregivers. Darra speaks to groups large and small about the importance of Family Information Management and how to liberate your personal data in an increasingly digital world.

Life Transitions Planning & Coordination
Housing transitions can be exciting. When combined with other life challenges, they can also be sad, overwhelming or even frightening. Whether you or a loved one are relocating, downsizing, or transitioning into an assisted living environment, the Care Consultants at My Care Companions™ are ready to help manage the details and logistics of your move.
Patient Advocacy & Family Representation
Long distance caregiving presents unique challenges. Care Consultants are available to serve as a patient advocate or family representative at meetings, appointments, or in the hospital to ensure that needs are met and preferences are honored. Care Consultants can also coordinate communications to ensure that family members remain updated and informed.
End of Life Planning &
After Death Administration
Whether you desire a traditional funeral service or a family reunion style memorial celebration, Care Consultants are ready to help you plan and manage a memorial event that is perfect for you. And, when the memorial is over, Care Consultants can help you navigate the complexities of estate administration and assist with closing out the personal affairs of your loved one.
Contact us for more information and a personalized quote for our customized service solutions.